Challenge Repository
The public release for UIUCTF 2022 challenge source code and infrastructure can be found on GitHub.
Winning Writeups
For UIUCTF 2022 we paid out $1,300 in writeup prizes. We prioritize concise technical communication and writeups that are fun to read and learn from, including those written from/for the perspective of beginners. Here are all writeups that won.
Challenge | Author |
Bro-key-n | idek - EggRoll |
Bro-key-n | /bad - /bad |
Sussy ML | /bad - /bad |
blackboxwarrior | /bad - /bad |
Collection | ohm - BigMoneyBenjamin |
odd shell | Kernel Sanders - Kernel Sanders |
revop | m0unt41n - TheBadGod |
no-syscalls-allowed.c | KnightSec - knittingirl |
asr | NestingDoll - nomnom |
Everyone's A Critic 1 | Rainbow_Unicorns<3 - li16ly |
odd shell | 侍 - f4c31e55 |
Pierated Art | KnightSec - knittingirl |
Wringing Rings | TTT - kiona |
Pierated Art | CHCC - flocto |
Wringing Rings | CHCC - flocto |
Mom can we have AES | CyberTaskForceZero - Minei3oat |
Dad's Rules | FluffyPwny - daeMOn |
Dad's Rules Fixed | FluffyPwny - daeMOn |
A Horse with No Names | BYU Cyberia - Legoclones |
Easy Math 1 | BYU Cyberia - Legoclones |
safepy | BYU Cyberia - Legoclones |
AR Pwny | F!NDERS_KEEPERS - CryptoSec26 |
odd shell | BYU Cyberia - Legoclones |
A Horse with No Names | vubar - Fane |
A Horse with No Neighs | vubar - Fane |
safepy | vubar - Fane |
Collection | Belgian Red Daemons - snocc |
woeby | MMUs_are_overrated - krystof1119 |
Bro-key-n | Phiat Lux - cupr1c |
SMM Cowsay 1 | Shellphish - pagabuc |
SMM Cowsay 2 | Shellphish - pagabuc |
Dad's Rules | IrisSec - skat |
Dad's Rules Fixed | IrisSec - skat |
Easy Math 3 | Phiat Lux - cupr1c |
Frame | down_button - down_button |
Pierated Art | IrisSec - [[nope]] |
Easy Math 3 | IrisSec - sjfbskbvsefs |
Easy Math 1 | Phiat Lux - cupr1c |
Easy Math 2 | Phiat Lux - cupr1c |
CPSC | IrisSec - [[nope]] |